Madhu and Kaitabha get destroyed
Two demons called Madhu and kaitabha were born from the ears of Maha Vishnu,
he was fast asleep one day, on the milky ocean.
Because of their high-class birth from the Lord, they were arrogant and
atrocious in their
behaviour towards fellow creatures. They disturbed the sages in their
attacked the devas and travelled everywhere troubling everyone.
When devas went to Brahma for help, he prayed to Lord Vinayaka and
invisible. Next devas complained to Lord Vishnu so that he can put an
end to
Madhu and Kaitabha.
When Maha Vishnu confronted Madhu and kaitabha, a fierce battle of
weapons ensued. Boxing with muscle power and all other types of wars
also proved
futile. Finally Maha Vishnu made the demon go blind by his magic and
went to
Lord Shiva for a solution.
Lord Shiva advised Maha Vishnu to pray to Lord Vinayaka, as Vishnu had
failed to so
at the beginning .Lord Vinayaka was the only one who can ward off the
evils that crop
up during the battle and give Vishnu the super-power to win over the
Vishnu followed Lord Shiva’s advice and then met the demons in a fierce
His bow sarangam and Arrows did not yield the desired results.
As a last resort, Vishnu prayed to Lord Vinayaka once again and hurled
Chakrayudha, at the enemies.
Madhu-Kaitabha fell a prey to Vishnu’s chakrayudha at last. Devas
Maha Vishnu and Brahma also came
out of his hiding to congratulate Lord
Vishnu on his great victory.
Sourse:Dr.Akila Sivaraman.